What in the world is 4TPM Training?
As explained by Dr. Mike Zanoni, the developer of Four Trigram Pair Movement therapy (or, as it is called in Mandarin, Si Gua.), this modality appears similar to Tai Qi but has a more specific neurological basis focusing on improved balance and healing of injuries. The value of 4TPM is that it can be performed sitting or standing, does not have a large number of movements to memorize, and has principles that can be applied to other activities such as Pilates, yoga, or meditation. It is based on the trigram and hexagram symbols of the I-Ching and a lesser known Taoist metaphysical practice called the Six Harmonies. The method combines concepts of Body, Mind, and Intent as a healing practice. Although the movements are simple, their power comes from how the physical, mental, and spiritual concepts are practiced. No previous experience in Taoist or Chinese movement therapy is required, and western neurological concepts are carefully explained.
Sundays 9/16, 9/30, 10/7 and 10/21
This is A SEQUENTIAL 4-PART SERIES. Class will meet on four alternate Sundays, which allows sufficient time for learning and incorporation of the methods into your own practice.
Complete cost for the four sessions including handouts.
We train barefoot in normal workout clothing.
Besides being an acupuncturist and professor of Oriental medicine, Dr Zanoni has a masters degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and a doctorate in psychology. He has taught meditation and qi gong, along with participation in various martial arts, for over forty years. In the past ten years his focus has been on development of healing methods that combine western science with Asian traditional medicine and Hawaiian metaphysics.
For further information call Mike Zanoni at 808 225-2754 or email Wainani Wellness Center