• Wainani Wellness Center (map)
  • 1144 10th Avenue, Suite 302
  • Honolulu, HI 96816

Bring your keiki ages 6-13 to dance and have fun with Shai Segre!

$15 per child | $10 for siblings

By focusing our attention on emotions, connections, friendships, movement and music, we promote positive growth in all aspects of our lives.
Kids movement healing gives young hearts the opportunity to explore their deep authentic self and develop confidence to express it in their own special way, all in a safe and playful environment.

In this workshop we will explore our body movements through interactive games, stories, creation and yoga we will work in groups, partners and individually to develop self expression, self confidence and healthy balance between hearing and being heard.

for more information contact: WainaniWellness@gmail.com | 808-369-1992 or call Shai Segre 808-339-1529

About Shai

Shai Segre is a certified yoga teacher & movement therapist as well as a certified equine therapist specializing in dance therapy for kids. Her dance and movement class constitutes a “pleasure double play”: music stimulates the brain’s reward centers, while dance activates its sensory and motor circuits. In her many years of experience working with kids around the world and in many different platforms.

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